
Sinarmas MSIG Life
Last activity: 17 Jul 2018 0:33 EDT
Get Data Transform from other Class
Hi All,
Can we to call Data Transform from other Class?
I have section in Data Class and I need that section use Data Transform from Work Class, can I?
Thanks for all response.
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Maulana,
I tried to create a sample section in Data class and a sample data transform in the Work class, then i declared my Work class in section Pages & Classes tab and called work class data transform on button click functionality in my section as shown in attachment.
Hope this approach will answer your query.
Iswarya Kolavennu Artur Lewandowski Ramji Madhavan

Sinarmas MSIG Life
Thanks for your answer,it's work.
I need your help again. How to call activity from other class?
Thank you so much before.

Pegasystems Inc.
As this is a different requirement could you raise a different post along with your clear requirement from where you are trying to call the activity?

Sinarmas MSIG Life
I already post new question for this topic :
Thanks for your advice. :)

Pegasystems Inc.
You can try the suggestion provided by Nikhil in the shared post, as i don't see any option to directly call the activity of Work- class from Data- class section button click functionality. The right approach is to create a dummy activity which calls the Work-.pxForceCaseClose activity from it.

1) Define pages and classes from where you want to call that activity and use that step page,call that activity on that page.
2) Call and specify class name and use that activity name that you want to call.
ex: Call Work-YourActivity.

Hi Mahesh,
I have one query.
Is it possible to define a page for Work class in the section that's present in Data class.
In so many scenarios I faced rule resolution error while saving like "This class is not applicable here"
Please suggest me.
Thank You.
Manikandan Ganapathy sangeetha d Roman Jay Almaza