Lanit BPM
Last activity: 5 Aug 2019 10:28 EDT
get current page list item
I have a table that gets data from report definition. The report is formed from page list using "Declarative index join". To edit table entries, use the modal window by clicking on the link. The report and the modal window are in the same class. How i can put value of selected table's row in text input's of modal window on click by link "Ред.". If you can, get the exact syntax please.
Report Definition:
Property modal window:
I have a table that gets data from report definition. The report is formed from page list using "Declarative index join". To edit table entries, use the modal window by clicking on the link. The report and the modal window are in the same class. How i can put value of selected table's row in text input's of modal window on click by link "Ред.". If you can, get the exact syntax please.
Report Definition:
Property modal window:
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Accepted Solution
Pegasystems Inc.
getcurrentindex-->this function will help you.
Vinay Reddy
Pegasystems Inc.
I think if you are within a loop you could use the "CURRENT" keyword or maybe parameter called "pyForEachCount"
Lanit BPM
Hi, Marc
I don't use loop. Copying data to the modal window from the table should occur by clicking on the "Ред." link and opening modal window.
Thanks for the help
Kodumuru Deepthi
You can Achieve it by so many ways but the best way which I followed is modal dialogue of Repeating index. For this follow the below steps.
Step1: Create a Flow Action in the same class and add a section which has text inputs which you want to edit.
Step 2: Go to Your Table>>Operations>> (Row Edit )Select Master-Detail >> And give your flow action name in Detail flow action.
Step 3: and Go to your go to your edit action and open the actions tab of that. In the actions tab on click Select "Edit Item" option
Now test your scenarios after above steps.
Lanit BPM
Hi, Renuka
Thanks for the help, but i already did it. My problem is that i'm need by click on the link display a modal window with already filled fields. And i don't know how to get the index of the selected item for data transfer.
If you follow above steps and if you are fetching those values in Report definition, It will fill the values by default. and you don't need any Data Transform for that as the Flow action master in detail model dialogue by default run in the context current record of RD.
can you try using getcurrentindex function in yout dt?
If you are in a loop you can have the current index in Param.index value
Bui Nam Abhilash Kaligotla
Accepted Solution
Pegasystems Inc.
getcurrentindex-->this function will help you.
Vinay Reddy
Gudipally manoj kumar reddy
Coforge DPA Pvt Ltd
@getActiveIndex(<Page Reference>)