The format of the file is getting changed while saving to pega cloud repository
hi Team,,
We have a requirement where we are generating the CSV file and placing it in Pega Cloud storage by using the D_pxNewFile Pega api. The file is getting stored but the content of the file is not exactly the same when we are seeing the content from D_pxGetFile. All the commas, space everything is gone and format is totally changed. Can you please suggest on the same
Content we send - Case Creation Date,Customer Account Number,Customer Name,Customer Contact Detail,Customer Email,Full Customer address,Effective Date(Disconnection Date),Disconnection Type,CPE Type,CPE Serial/Mac Number 20250204T125124.427 GMT,13131313,TestCustomer,9087654321, Proprietary information hidden,"house no:2",20241210,Test,Testing,20240429
Content coming from pxGetFile API - CaseCreationDateCustomerAccountNumberCustomerNameCustomerContactDetailCustomerEmailFullCustomeraddressEffectiveDateDisconnectionDateDisconnectionTypeCPETypeCPESerial/MacNumber20250204T125124427GMT13131313ManojKumar9087654321testgmailcomhouseno2gandinagar20241210TestTesting20240429