
Last activity: 2 Feb 2017 2:59 EST
Forget Password
I need to implement the Forget Password feature in the Web-Login screen. Is there any native feature supported by Pega that allows us to implement such feature? How Pega deals with end users forgetting their password? And if I need to implement that from scratch External Assigmenet is an option or no?s
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Hi Ghina,
Please check the below article which discusses on the same
You can follow the below note as suggested there to implement
Following are the steps that were followed-
Create a Service HTTP rule that accepts HTML post data as input (which is typically the username).Configure your service activty to set a custom password or random password.
Next insert a link in Web-Login to open a static HTML (not Rule-Obj-HTML) on click of that link.
In the static HTML configure it to be submitted to the Service HTTP URL.
As per response set from the Service HTTP rule you can display screen if password reset is success. (Before displaying screen you will most likely want to send a mail to the user which can be done in the service activity rule).
Use DSS combined with if then else to dynamically determine the URL for the various environments.
Hi Ghina,
Please check the below article which discusses on the same
You can follow the below note as suggested there to implement
Following are the steps that were followed-
Create a Service HTTP rule that accepts HTML post data as input (which is typically the username).Configure your service activty to set a custom password or random password.
Next insert a link in Web-Login to open a static HTML (not Rule-Obj-HTML) on click of that link.
In the static HTML configure it to be submitted to the Service HTTP URL.
As per response set from the Service HTTP rule you can display screen if password reset is success. (Before displaying screen you will most likely want to send a mail to the user which can be done in the service activity rule).
Use DSS combined with if then else to dynamically determine the URL for the various environments.
Shanthini Charles

Hello Shanthini_Charles,
Create a Service HTTP rule that accepts HTML post data as input (which is typically the username).Configure your service activty to set a custom password or random password.
Next insert a link in Web-Login to open a static HTML (not Rule-Obj-HTML) on click of that link.
Please can you elaborate more on how to implement such steps? I created the Service HTTP for now.
Many Thanks

Hello Shanthini_Charles,
My requirements are a bit different. Once the link is pressed I need to ask the user to enter the email address and a link would be sent to the email redirecting the user to the reset password view. I tried to use external assignments I am now recieving the email but on click I am getting Access Denied if I am loged off. So Is external assigment a good approach in my case?

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Ghina,
I don't think External assignment can be used in this scenario.As,this requires multiple server interactions which cannot be achieved by DWA.

Hello sarab,
Actually I need one interaction. I need only to access the view where the reset password section is and upon sumbitting password is reset with operator ID to whom the email belongs to. But currently I am facing a problem and I thing I missed a step. I am trying to open an external assigmenet but getting Access Denied due to log in authentication. I am not aware how could I access the external assigmenet direclty from the llink that is being sent from the email. any idea?

Pegasystems Inc.
Have you been able to show the forgot password link and then been able to show the HTML screen to the end user for entering their email id ? If yes then half the job is done ?
You mentioned that a link would be sent to the email redirecting the user to the reset password view
So the quesiton here is what that link will do ? I guess it has to open a HTMP page with option to provide new password ? Have you been able to do it ? Please note, you cant use any assignment etc as the log in itself is not yet done .

Hello SantanuBhattacherje,
For testing purposes I am not showing the link from the web-login page. Upon pressing the link I am calling the "EngageExternal" flow. Now I am recieving the email with the native correspondence template "ExternalRequestBrief" that has a link inside it. Upon pressing the link from the email I am getting "Access denied" if I am logged off. I think I missed a step that allows me to open the link from the email to perform the external assigment.

Pegasystems Inc.
Engage External will require an external operator id first to be in place .
This is used mostly for Direct Web Access ( DWA ) to route assignment to external user.
i dont think it is a good approach to reset password !

Please can anyone help me with the solution of Forget Password provided above.
"Create a Service HTTP rule that accepts HTML post data as input (which is typically the username).Configure your service activty to set a custom password or random password.
Next insert a link in Web-Login to open a static HTML (not Rule-Obj-HTML) on click of that link. "
Please can you elaborate more on how to implement such steps? I created the Service HTTP for now.
Many Thanks