File Datasets in Pega 8.3.5
We are currently working on File Datasets and our requirement is to generate file with names being passed dynamically and then present the same file created as a clickable link for download. We have configured the file dataset and able to generate a CSV File in PRServiceExport path directory. However, we are unable to capture the file name during runtime in the tracer. The step page where the dataset-execute run do not have this information either. Is this a known limitation in Pega 8.3.5? or are we configuring dataset incorrectly? One Last question, our requirement is to generate file name in this format - OFE_BA_{.pyName}_{YYYYMMDDHHmmSS}. we are able to add the time component to the filename but unable to refer any properties or params in this field. Please help us in how we can achieve this?