U.S. Dept of Veterans Affairs
Posted: Dec 31, 2015
Last activity: Jan 5, 2016
Last activity: 5 Jan 2016 11:10 EST
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This is the expected behavior in Pega 7. Please refer to below Mesh posts and let us know if this helps.
Re: SR-A12857:(7.1.8)(Sev-3)Field level error messages in dynamic layouts
How do we show field level errors as icons with tooltip in Pega 7.1.6 dynamic layouts?
This is the expected behaviour for dynamic layouts in Pega 7.
I tried replicating your use-case at our end and got results as below :-
"Name" is a text field, "Age" is a Number(Integer) and "Salary" as Number(Decimal).
It can be noted that, its an expected behaviour.
Could you please provide us the configuration of field having "Decimal" control, just to confirm?
Though, We have another configuration to display the error messages in an error section as well(instead of with the error icon) at the top of the harness. You can configure it as below.
Please let us know, if this helps.
As Pankaj mentioned this is the expected behavior for Pega 7 to support the responsive UI ( for smart devices) where mouse hover will not work on smart devices. If your application is not intended to use on smart devices you can continue with older layouts like smart layout, free form layout which works as expected ( which is not a recommended approach). You need to talk to your business folks and make them understand the responsive UI advantages over traditional approach
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