
Capgemini Technology pvt ltd
Last activity: 24 Oct 2019 6:14 EDT
Fetch the data from scanned image file either Digital or Hand written
Hi Team,
I have a requirement in Pega Robotics to read/fetch the details from scanned image pdf file but in this file contains both hand written things and digital also.
as i figured out IBM Datacap application and Abbyy flexicapture contains the ICR capability. Request you to help me in configuring Ibm datacap and Abbyy flexi capture with Pega Robotics/PegaBpm.
if i want to buy IBM Datacap application liscence and i implemented the solution in IBM datacap then how to integrate with IBM datacap and Pega robotics/Pega BPM. if there is a way, can you please guide us what infrastructure need to setup my side.
if i want to buy Abbyy flexicapture product liscence and i implemented the solution in Abbyy flexicapture then how to integrate with abbyy flexicapture and Pega robotics/Pega BPM. if there is a way, can you please guide us what infrastructure need to setup my side.
and if i want use any one of the above tools, which tool more advantages and more accuracy.
Thank you!
Madhu Balineni.
***Moderator Edit-Vidyaranjan: Updated Platform Capability***