
BlueRose Technologies
Last activity: 27 Jul 2016 7:34 EDT
Failed to find instance @baseclass.SSO-Web-Redirect of type Rule-Obj-HTML.
Hi All,
I am using Pega v7.1.7. I want to leverage SSO LogOff functionality in my application. The 'LogOff' hyperlink is present in a section in "@baseclass". This refers "URL" control with 'LogOff' activity present "@baseclass" as the "do Action" value. Now, I have to refer the 'SSOLogOff' Activity present in "Code-Security" class. As this activity is not visible, I have saved-as the activity in "@baseclass". I also had to save-as "SSO-Web-Redirect" HTML rule in "@baseclass" to save the activity rule. Now, on stand alone execution of SSOLogOff activity present in "@baseclass", it is throwing an exception "Failed to find instance @baseclass.SSO-Web-Redirect of type Rule-Obj-HTML." though the HTML rule is present in "@baseclass". The HTML rule is in the same ruleset as that of activity. My operator ID also has all access to "@baseclass". PFA document for the configuration screenshots.
Can anybody help me on this? Thanks in advance.