
Ernst & Young LLP
Last activity: 20 Aug 2018 16:23 EDT
Facing a problem during Configuration of PipeLine to generate artifacts.
Hi All,
I have configured my pipeline by adding only Dev URL (i am trying out only for generating artifacts).
Please find the attached screen shot for my application details and environment details.
I am facing a problem while generating artifacts and i have configured all auth profiles and operator ID's properly.In tracer it is showing an error "
Unable to open an instance using the given inputs: pxObjClass = "Data-Pipeline-Event", pyID = "DE-11"
and i am unable to generate artifacts.
All are OOTB activities please let me know how to resolve this issue.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Can you please update the mentioned Development url to remove /PRServlet (Environment urls should be given till prweb)
Can you please update the mentioned Development url to remove /PRServlet (Environment urls should be given till prweb)
Andreas Hubenthal Srikanth Veeraneni

Ernst & Young LLP
Thanks for your response.
I was facing some issue with my personal edition so now i am not using my personal edition as my dev. I am using some other instance as my Dev environment.
But after configuring everything during "Finish" step of pipeline i am getting some error. Please find the attached screen shot.
Please let me know how to proceed further

Ernst & Young LLP
Now I am able to connect between DEV(8080) and orchestration(8082) server . Artifacts are getting created and its storing in Dev Repository.
Now I am trying to move Zip file to staging environment (8081) so here I have imported "PegaDevOpsFoundation" package and I changed
DMAppAdmin operator id password (same as DEV and Orchestration Authentication profile)
But that staging environment deployment is not happening .Please let me know if anything I have to add in Staging environment.
Thanks !

Ernst & Young LLP
Hi All,
In staging environment i have added the password for "DMReleaseAdmin" Authentication profile (password is same as orchestration server) and
i created a new application in staging environment called "SamplePOC" build on application for this is "PegaDevOpsFoundation" .
After configuring all of this i am unable to deploy the product to Staging environment .In logs i am getting below message no proper error message also.
"Server:Staging ===============
2018-07-18 08:49:32,968 [DM release administrator] [SecondDeployment] [Deployme01.01.01] [Deployme_010101_22] INFO Remote task execution completed.
2018-07-18 08:49:33,089 [DM release administrator] [SecondDeployment] [Deployme01.01.01] [Deployme_010101_22] INFO Task Deploy got ERROR. Start time:2018-07-18 08:49:29, End time:2018-07-18 08:49:33, Time taken:0.05 mins"
Not sure how the zip file stored in repository will deploy into staging .(my access group is having all privilege for repository)
Please suggest me how to proceed further.

Pegasystems Inc.
Please ensure the following things:
1. In staging system, Make sure that the authentication profile: DMReleaseAdmin is configured properly with the correct username/password with which you are logging in to your orchestrator
2. In Orchestrator system,Make sure that the authentication profile: DMAppAdmin is configured properly with the correct username/password with which you are logging in to your candidate systems(DEV,QA,Staging,Prod)
2. Make sure you have DEV repository present in your staging system also , with the same name as that of in Orchestrator
Note: Once the RAP is successfully published to DEV repository, Deploy step in staging will pick the RAP from DEV repo and deploys in to the staging system.
If you still face any issues deploying in to the staging, Please let us know and send the complete log file.
Freddy Naime Robert Doerr

Ernst & Young LLP
Thanks for your reply.
I have one more question, currently i have a repository of type "File System"(FS) for all the systems(Dev and Prod) . Is there any restriction that i have to use only Jfrog or S3 bucket ?.
I have verified the Zip file in repository once i start the build. But after successful completion of pipeline i can't see the Product file in staging environment .
Please suggest me how to proceed further.
naveen souda

Pegasystems Inc.
Deployment Manager supports file system repositories.There is no restriction on it.
The contents in the product file should be imported to the staging system once the deploy step is staging is successfully completed. Please check whether the contents of the product file is imported in to staging system.

Ernst & Young LLP
Could anyone explain me what is the use of "Deploy an existing artifact" option during CICD process. My understanding is once we do the "Generate new artifact" deployment, Zip file will get stored into repository and the same zip file will move into the different environment.
Once we so this what is the use of "Deploy an existing artifact" option anyways only the file that got stored into repository will show in dropdown.
Please give me some inputs on this.

Pegasystems Inc.
This feature is helpful in exception cases:
- A previous build artifact was successfully created, but failed to deploy to other systems. You could manually kick off a build and choose the existing artifact and move that along. If you are having connectivity problems with QA, for example, you might need to try again and again. Although there's no harm in just creating a new artifact, using the existing artifact might help keep your repo cleaner.
- An artifact has been manually created and added to the repository that needs to be pushed through the pipeline. I can imagine this could be useful with an emergency bug fix process if they current state of development is not ready to be published and a custom Product rule is needed to ship only the exact rules and data needed. I'm not sure I'd recommend this, but this feature makes it an option.