Extending Organisation Data Class
When extending a data class is discussed, there are different approaches and would like to discuss the pros and cons of it.
Scenario 1 - ABC is a hotel chain running royalty program and need to get started with the redemption process on Pega. With any redemption, the first step is to collect customer data and customer need to be a work party throughout the case lifecycle for confirmation or rejection notifications and all that.
Choice 1 - Create a Customer class on organisation level( ABC-Data-Customer) directly inheriting from (Data-party-Customer).
Choice 2 - Create a Custome class as subclass ( Data-Party-Person-Customer) .
Which would be a better choice in your opinion? In my view, choice 1 seems to be better as class name is generic, pattern inheriting from the organization and cleaner. Doesn't have "party" tagged to it all along but can be reused as a party. what is your view?
Scenario 2 - During redemption case, we need to capture customer information.
Choice 1 - Section would reside in organization customer class and in organization ruleset.
Choice 2 - Use organization customer class but save them in implementation ruleset (assuming no framework)?
Choice 3 - Create an implementation customer class extending organization class ( e.g ABC-Redemption-Data-Customer) and create a section in this class and in implementation rulesets.
When extending a data class is discussed, there are different approaches and would like to discuss the pros and cons of it.
Scenario 1 - ABC is a hotel chain running royalty program and need to get started with the redemption process on Pega. With any redemption, the first step is to collect customer data and customer need to be a work party throughout the case lifecycle for confirmation or rejection notifications and all that.
Choice 1 - Create a Customer class on organisation level( ABC-Data-Customer) directly inheriting from (Data-party-Customer).
Choice 2 - Create a Custome class as subclass ( Data-Party-Person-Customer) .
Which would be a better choice in your opinion? In my view, choice 1 seems to be better as class name is generic, pattern inheriting from the organization and cleaner. Doesn't have "party" tagged to it all along but can be reused as a party. what is your view?
Scenario 2 - During redemption case, we need to capture customer information.
Choice 1 - Section would reside in organization customer class and in organization ruleset.
Choice 2 - Use organization customer class but save them in implementation ruleset (assuming no framework)?
Choice 3 - Create an implementation customer class extending organization class ( e.g ABC-Redemption-Data-Customer) and create a section in this class and in implementation rulesets.
In my view, Choice2 seems better. with choice 1, If all implementations start putting their data capture screens in organization ruleset, it will become dirty. Choice 3 is introducing redundant layering that might be skipped. What is your view?