Export To Excel - Support of Pivot Tables
Does Pega support Pivot table while we do export to excel? I am not sure if someone has tried to build something which they can share as example.
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Does Pega support Pivot table while we do export to excel? I am not sure if someone has tried to build something which they can share as example.
Hi Ritesh,
Yes, Pega supports Pivot table while performing export to excel.
For Example,
After running the Report Definition,
When we export it to excel,
Go to insert tab in excel sheet and select Pivot Table
Following Pivot Table comes up
Hi Ritesh,
Yes, Pega supports Pivot table while performing export to excel.
For Example,
After running the Report Definition,
When we export it to excel,
Go to insert tab in excel sheet and select Pivot Table
Following Pivot Table comes up
Following links may be useful for you :
Introduction to Pivot Tables, Charts, and Dashboards in Excel (Part 1) - YouTube
As we have moved PSC to PDN
may not be accessible.
Therefore, following help information can be referred for the same.
Display Values Across Column / Display Values Vertically |
Available for summarized reports only. When the data values for a column display vertically within a single column, click Display Values Across Columns to display the column's values horizontally. This creates a pivot table. When the data values for a column display horizontally across columns, click Display Values Vertically to display the column's values vertically within a single column. |
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