Excel export with mutiple tabs using pxGenerateExcelFile
I have a requirement where I need to generate an excel file using Multiple 2 lists.
And each of the list should have its own tab.
The fields and lists are static.
The application is running on Pega 8.3.0.
I am using the activity "pxGenerateExcelFile".
This activity is able to open the excel file in step 2.
But, fails in the Java Step (Step 4).
I am trying to refer to refer each field as {list.pxResults().propertyName} in the template.
But, this return the error reason as -
unexpected character ')' at position 31, expected subscript (wildcards not allowed)
However, the same binary file was correctly on Pega 7.4 and was able to generate excel file with multiple tabs.
On this pega version we were using the activity "MSOGenerateExcelFile".
But, this activity has been depricated by Pega.
Pega recommends the use of activity "pxGenerateExcelFile" for generating excel file.
Any solution for this issue with the use of "pxGenerateExcelFile" ?
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****