Last activity: 18 Jan 2018 14:22 EST
ES PassivationDaemon fails in logs
I have been going through logs and see this occur multiples times in a day.
[ES PassivationDaemon] [ STANDARD] [ ] [ ] ( internal.mgmt.Executable) ERROR - Execution denied for class: @baseclass (activity: pyPrePassivation)
I look at pyPrePassivation activity and it is empty I can't see why any class would be denied to run the rule my security model would allow it. Anyone who is accessing the system has rights to run baseclass activities.
Digging into logs more I get one occurence of this error
2018-01-12 12:55:14,579 [ES PassivationDaemon] [ STANDARD] [ ] [ ] ( mgmt.base.NodeRequestorMgt) ERROR - One or more properties could not be serialized during passivation and have therefore been lost. They will not be available on activation. Please ensure that all property data is Serializable
com.pega.pegarules.session.external.mgmt.PageCannotBeSerializedForPassivationException: Unable to passivate page 'Declare_pyDisplay' on thread 'null' in requestor 'HD35FFD15ADAC8A212900578D1A81F612'. The following items were not serializable: [Property not serializable: "Declare_pyDisplay.pyDisplay(pyCaseWorker).pyUIActive(1).pyParameters.CDSystemUserRecents" Class: ""].
Does the passivation daemon only run at user timeouts? I am having trouble finding much info on this. Has anyone run into anything like this? Thanks.
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