
Last activity: 22 Nov 2017 8:03 EST
Error: You lack access required to execute Rule-Obj-Activity.Close
Access Group: Advisor
have available Roles:
PegaRULES:User4 and App:Advisors
need to be able to finish the case for all the advisor.
What is strange the I have tested with two different Operator ID the ones belongs to the Advisors Group.
And for both Operator ID, we have the same situation.
While moving the CASE, two of the Products in the case are finishing with the same error (Lack of Access required) , but and only one and the same product is Closing correctly.
So I do not think it is related to Advisor available Roles. it is something in the code?
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Execution denied for class: $None (activity: Close) - Log attached to post.