
Tech Mahindra
Last activity: 16 Nov 2021 18:35 EST
Error while generating segment SQL Trying to save an invalid page: page is not valid
Hi All,
I am getting the error while creating a new segment.
Error while generating segment SQL Trying to save an invalid page: page is not valid
I have seen this article My customer table is in externalmkt schema which is in the same database. So this is not the issue. Is there any reason why this issue is coming?
***Edited by Moderator: Pooja Gadige to add capability tag***
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Tech Mahindra
Based on my analysis, this is failing to find the database in the below function. My db connection is good for externalmkt. Looks like I am missing something.
Database : Postgres

Innova Consulting
@VENKATESH GUDEENTI Any Luck? I have this error as well, I can see it on the tracer and on the UI

TPG Telecom
I am also facing the same issue with Pega CDH 8.6 version.
Any luck on how to get this resolved. From logs what i see it is looking for the table:-
Though class and database table records are added, but the table is not created in externalmktdata schema in postgres DB.
I too have only 1 DB.

Innova Consulting
@IpsitaS3do you have any when conditions in your activity, if any?
In my scenario- I had a when condition where I missed writing a jump condition.
let me know if that helped?

TPG Telecom
I too am facing the same issue. Any luck to get this issue resolved. I see my table is getting created in rules schema instead of externalmktdata. I too am using postgres DB.
If i manually create the table in externalmktdata , then my segments gets created fine. But then that's a manual thing .
Any DSS setting that we need to use to get it resolved?

Pegasystems Inc.
@IpsitaS3 Have you created a separate login user for ExternalMKTData schema and confirm if this username and password is configured correctly for the ExternalMKTData? Also are you using a JDBC URL or Configuration Preferences for ExternalMKTData?

TPG Telecom
The login user is postgres which is same for all schemas under the same database. I dont have a separate login user for externalmktdata.
I am using JDBC URL. I have configured the username and pwd in the DADN and have tested the connectivity as well.
When i manually create the segment table in externalmktdata, it executes successfully as well.

Pegasystems Inc.
@IpsitaS3 I am guessing that the JDBC URL is missing the currentSchema parameter. The JDBC URL should look like this -
Please check if that is set and if not then set it and try.
Ipsita Saha KNS Dattabhishek Somyamay Chakravarty

TPG Telecom