Error when creating segment using calculation builder
Tried to create a segment in Marketing Analyst portal, via Audience -> Create Segment. When filtering the conditions to apply, using "Calculation builder", selected function: “The difference in days between [Earlier Date Value] and [Later Date Value]”. Using function input: The difference in days between “Start_Date” and “End Date” (*note that the start_date and end_date are existing date columns in our DB table), was faced with error:
This segment has failed execution in the background due to the following error(s): SQL error while populating segment: There was a problem getting a list: code: 0 SQLState: 42601 Message: ERROR: syntax error at or near ">=“
Position: 157
DatabaseException caused by prior exception: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: syntax error at or near ">="
Position: 157
| SQL Code: 0 | SQL State: 42601
Does anyone knows how to make use of the function input for the segment criteria for date calculation? I'm not sure if i need to do any date format conversion from my DB table source, as the date format is in yyyy-mm-dd format. Any advice would be very helpful!
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update SR Details***