Crochet Technologies Private Ltd
Last activity: 20 May 2021 14:37 EDT
Empty Work Item Handle when completing Service case and clicking to view it
I am unable to create a service case when creating it as a temporary work object.
Mentioned below are the steps I have followed. Also attached screenshots of the implementation
1.I have modified the OOTB GeneralServiceRequest Case type to create a temporary work object.
2. In the flow (CAGeneralService flow), I have placed 2 assignments, both with flow action Action Stub
3. In step 3, I persist the case
Execution :
1. I create an Interaction case, from the demo call
2. I create a general service flow and keep clicking on submit/confirm buttons till the last screen.
Once done, I click on the General Service Intent Task tab on left hand side (The same which was clicked earlier to create the case)
3. I get a pop up alert displaying "Empty Work Item Handle"
Appreciate any help with this