Princeton Blue
Princeton Blue
Princeton Blue
Posted: Feb 4, 2016
Last activity: Jul 25, 2016
Last activity: 25 Jul 2016 10:55 EDT
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H All,
I would like to know if there is any mechanism by which I can add privileges to a role dynamically( just as we do dynamic addition of roles)
Check if the OOTB activity pzValidateAndAddRARO helps. This is called when you add AcessToRuleObject from UI.
Hi Kevin,
I tried the approach you suggested,but approach would take the persisting the ARO Object with the Privileges at runtime.
I was expecting privileges to be added at runtime but no persisted with the object.
a similar use case: Dynamically Create Skill Rules - Pega 7.1.8 be of help?
1. In my opinion, please review your requirement, why would you want to change the privilege dynmically? Are there run time data/events which trigger this change?
2. In this case you can add the privilege to the role but also add a Access When rule (or Access Deny) which takes into consideration runtime data to evaluate if true or false thereby enabling or disabling the privilege for that role.
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