Sytel Reply
Last activity: 18 Jul 2023 4:01 EDT
DX API v1: Referring an Embedded Section with no inheritance with the Primary
Hi, I'm facing an issue. Let's say we have a Section in MyOrg-MyDiv-Impl-Data-A,. So that's my Primary. Now my requirement is to show an embedded section under MyOrg-MyDiv-Impl-Data-B. So what I did, was to create an Embedded section, putting on Pages&Classes the Page under pyWorkPage of the class MyOrg-MyDiv-Impl-Data-B (so pyWorkPage.MyPage1.MyPage2.MyPageB). And the embedded section had as context the page in Pages&Classes. Testing on Pega it worked just fine. Yet when I tried with DX API v1, I obtain an empty page. All the other element disappear, as the embedded section. When I remove that embedded section, the DX API v1 shows everything fine. Can you help me understanding why is this happening? Thanks for you kind support,