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Last activity: 5 May 2022 3:53 EDT
DX API V1: Apply Preprocessing action when opening a popup with local action
Hello, I've this scenario: I need to open a popup (pressing a button), but before this I need to do an action in order to invoke an external system. Without DX API, I would apply a preprocessing action on the flow action that would open the popup. In this way, every time I open the popup, the Data Transform would have applied. Anyway the solution described above does not work using DX API, because invoking the DX API V1 method PUT assingment/ID/action/ID/refresh, the preprocessing action insert in the flow action doesn't seems to start. So I'd like to ask you, how can I implement this scenario using DX API. I'm working on Pega Platform 8.6.3, but the question is much more general, in order to understand how to approach on Local Action for solving those requirements. Thanks kindly for your help, Daniele