Displaying an error while integrating Pega product with Jenkins even all required variables inserted precisely
Hi everyone,
We have configured Jenkins on my personal edition of 8.6 version following the guidelines suggested in below documents,
https://docs.pega.com/bundle/platform-88/page/platform/devops/configuring-jenkins-environment.html https://docs.pega.com/bundle/platform-88/page/platform/devops/installing-prpcserviceutils.html
We have configured everything while connecting with Jenkins with Pega. All required plugins installed and variables set correctly but we are getting the following error message,
ERROR: Unable to find build script at C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\PegaExportImportRAP\$PEGA_HOME\samples\Jenkins-build.xml Finished: FAILURE
Please go through the below screenshots. If somebody can connect and help us, it would be glad and appreciated.