Dirty pop ups are not working when put a post values to onchange action in text box
For a text box, without adding actions dirty popup is working properly. but if we adding an action like "Post", dirty popups are not working.
If there is post value action and update the existing values but not committed, dirty popup is not appear
If there is no post value action and update the existing values but not committed, then dirty popup is appear
We need to do some validations based on onchange action. that's why we put "Post" action to the onchange. We using the OOTB functionalities and the business requirement is also fair. If user need to open another case with out saving the current case, they need to pop up this dirty popup screen if user update the case before.
these are some sample scenarios that I checked
Secnerio 1: tried only with properties having post values and when we switch the tabs, we are not able to see the dirty popup.
Scenerio 2: tried with properties with no post values and we are able to see dirty popup.
Scenario 3: tried with post values and no post values, So here if we have any of the properties with no post values and when we enter values, then we are able to see the dirty popup