Different error messages on a Validate rule when tabbing vs. posting a page
I have a data class with an activity that does validation on a property of a class of the class by mapping that property to a validate rule in a step of the activity on the Property-Validate method. I have a section that has a control mapped to that propery. When I tab through the section and violate the rule I get the error message that was specified on the rule ("Enter a valid xyz"). When I post the form, the validation runs, but the error message is in the form "Invalid value specified for <property-name>. Value doesn't adhere to the validate: <validate-rule>. So it seems the post processing knows to call the validate, but doesn't have access to the error message specified on the rule. Can anyone shed light on to what's going on and how I might get post to display the right error message?
Thanks in advance!
***Moderator Edit: Vidyaranjan| Converted discussion to question***