Different action behavior on click on default icon and custom one
I seem to have uncountered either an undocumented feature or a bug here. We have a dynamic repeating grid (akin to that in a OOB data type) and in its last column we have a section with action button - edit, save & delete which should have corresponding actions happen on click. The issue lies with the 'Save' icon. We want the new/edited data to be appropriately validated (nothing special, just the property validations themselves e.g. no letters in decimal field etc) and saved after the user clicks it, akin to what happens OOB when you remove focus from the row. We've found out that if you use one of the default pega icon images and configure a Set focus -> Current Item on click of it, it just does that - it validates the keys and the properties and saves data if everything is alright, just like if you manually remove focus (in this scenario the focus stays on the row though which is just perfect). HOWEVER, if we use our own custom icon image (svg picture downloaded as a binary file), none of this happens and clicking it does absolutely nothing. I read the inbuilt help but there's nothing there about different icon images giving out different result. Is this supposed to happen? Is this a bug? What is the intended behaviour on click of an icon with Set focus -> current item action configured?