Posted: Nov 29, 2017
Last activity: Dec 5, 2017
Last activity: 5 Dec 2017 7:02 EST
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When we are using Pega repositary where exactly those push dev tasks are stored? Is it going to store in a seperate db table?
Artifacts moved using pega repository are stored in web server static content temporary folder. Creation of pega type repository is not enabled by default.
Hi Sameera,
Could you be more specific regarding your query, as it is not clear regarding the push dev tasks mean. If you are talking about the zip file then it will be stored in the actual service export folder of the target pega system, if not please elaborate your query in detail.
in the link under step 4 for creating repositaries we need to give the host id in Development repositary.what is the url we should provide?, is the RM url or the SOR url. we also created an authentication profile as per the above link by give username,password and url of the RM. What is actually happening behind the repositary.
Could you please explain how the link between repositaries are occuring in CI/CD pipline?
Development repository url should be your SOR system url. Eg: http://<sorhost:port>/prweb/PRRestService.
To know more about how to create repositories ref:
CI/CD pipeline interacts with repositories to store/retrieve artifacts. Artifacts mean .zip file created from your product rule. PRPC 7.3.1 has capability to talk to various repositories. As mentioned above, pega repository stores artifacts in web server service export temporary folder, any other repository type artifacts will be stored in corresponding repository server.
CI/CD pipeline deals with 3 kinds of repository
1) A pega repository to communicates to SOR PRPC system. This repository is of type pega (only). Ref:
2) Development repository, 3) Production repository - ref:
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