
Nationwide Building Society
Last activity: 28 Feb 2019 8:34 EST
Deployment Portal vs Robot Manager
I was going through an article titled "Pega Robotic Automation Deployment Portal User Guide". What is Pega Robot Manager, then?
Is both are same? . Do advice.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Robot Manager is the replacement for the latter. It is what is used going forward.

Nationwide Building Society
Thanks for your reply.
Unfortunately, I have more queries. Appreciate your response
a) Is Robot manager only for used with Pega Platform?.
b) I have a inhouse built application and I automated navigations of that application using Pega Robotics 8.x. Can we use Robot manager along with this automation?
c) Then, what would be Pega® Platform Robotic Management Console?

Pegasystems Inc.
a) Yes
b) Probably. RM will fire an event that your automation would need to listen for to trigger the work.
c) That is V1 of Robot Manager. It is now on V4. I do not believe that V1 or V2 are supported anymore in the latest versions of Pega Robotics Studio.

Nationwide Building Society
Hi Sasnt,
Thanks for your response.
How sure are we that Robot Manager will work with automations built on applications not part of Pega Platform?. Do we have any documentation around the same?
Grace Pieri Vishal Khajuria Barry Collins Jhuma Mandal gaurav saxena

MacQuarie Bank Ltd
Can we directly install v4 without installing v1 or v2 as I have seen executables in v1 and v2 only. V3 and v4 are jar files which are imported in the Pega platform; they are no executables.

Pegasystems Inc.
All versions of Robot Manager are Pega applications with no direct executables. As long as you have the correct version of the platform (7.3.1 for v4) you can directly install Robot Manager without installing previous versions.

Pegasystems Inc.
Robot Manager is an application you install inside your Pega Platform (or a new instance of it). When used, it becomes a trigger mechanism and the sole provider of data and work for the robots. It has no effect on which automations you can and cannot use. The PDN has many articles and instructions surrounding Robot Manager.

Init AG
As per the below link, the latest version of Robot manager is showing as V6 and supporting Pega 7.4.
Is there a robot manager release supporting Pega 8 versions available currently? If not when it's going to be available?