Last activity: 4 Jun 2020 9:23 EDT
Delta mode option in Product rue
Hi Team,
We tried to use delta mode option in product rule(RAP) as part of devops CI/CD pipeline option. We noticed that we need to include patch version of ruleset in application rule, Ex, ABC:01-01-05. Enabling delta mode in application to include section will resulting only extraction of ruleset ABC:01-01-05 ruleset. If don't select delta mode ,it extract all versions of ABC which is 01-01-01 to 01-01-05.
In my application, multiple teams working on different enhancements and they use different ruleset versions.
example scenario:
Team A uses ABC:01-01-05 version
Team B uses ABC:01-01-10 version
In this case, If I enable delta mode option in product rule and including patch ruleset version in application rule as ABC:01-01-10, This pulls only ABC:01-01-10 version.
Could you help us how this can be used as part of Devops automated process,with multiple teams involved with multiple versions and with product file(developers might not create product rule every time).
***Edited by Moderator Kayla to update Platform Capability tags****