
Delete Specific Row in repeating Grid with Confirmation message
I am having repeating grid in section and each row should contain delete icon (as icon or button or anything).When I click on delete option, it should display model dialog with confirmation message and 2 buttons as Ok and Cancel. When I click on OK, selected row should get deleted and on Cancel close the model dialog without delete row.
I configured this scenario as on delete icon click as event and Local action as action and calling another section. That called section contains note and 2 buttons. On Ok button click as event and Delete item as action, on Cancel button click as event and Cancel as action.
But when I clicked on delete option, model dialogue is opening, then I clicked on OK button no action is permed and when I click on Cancel button assignment is closing.
Can someone please help me to achieve this?? Configuration Screenshots would be appreciated.
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Accepted Solution

This would be one of the ways to achieve this.
DeleteItem action will pass pxListSubscript internally to delete specific row of a pagelist.
Here in this case, on OK button if we call DeleteItem action, the parameter will not be passed automatically.
So you can pass the pxListSubscript on click of Delete Icon and on OK button of modal dialog do page remove of the pagelist by passing the index.
Thanks !

Please go to Designer Studio - User Interface ==> Gallary ==> Combinations ==> Row actions. Please check the way the button click event is configured. PLease change the setting to handle the list items and delete the item as in the screenshot below.
Accepted Solution

This would be one of the ways to achieve this.
DeleteItem action will pass pxListSubscript internally to delete specific row of a pagelist.
Here in this case, on OK button if we call DeleteItem action, the parameter will not be passed automatically.
So you can pass the pxListSubscript on click of Delete Icon and on OK button of modal dialog do page remove of the pagelist by passing the index.
Thanks !

Hi Srikanth,
Thank you for your support.
I tried the solution which you have provided. I am getting index value when I am passing this value to remove page, it’s not working. Would you please help me to sort this out?
Configuration screenshot’s would be appreciated.

Hi Srikanth,
I got the solution.Thanks you for your comment.It was helpful.

Please check the OOTB "pyDeleteButton" control and modify it according to your need.
Also I observed that there is a new feature( PRPC 7.3) in which showConfirmation for list delete item. You can try and check if that helps.
Please let us know your PRPC version.

Hi Hemalatha,
I had tried to achieve your requirement with a sample function and Delete Item action. Kindly go through the attachment for further details about the use case.

Hi Mahesh,
Thank you for your support.
But my requirement is not with function. Need to call model dialog and display message with 2 button. On click of each button, specified functionality should work. Please provide some other approach to achieve this.

Hi Hemalatha,
I tried with a modal dialogue pop-up window but not able to achieve this requirement due to some issue with the delete item functionality and i don't think you can achieve this functionality with modal dialogue. So i tried with the pop-up window which contains our message with OK(deletes item) and CANCEL(wont delete item) buttons functionality as shown in my attachment.
Note: In my implementation added the popup message as "Are you sure to delete" in my function, you can customize it over there.

Hi Mahesh,
Thank you for your help. I am trying to achieve that using model dialog. Once I get the solution, will let you know.