Deffered instance outdated causes insert on commit
I just resolved a bug on my application but I don't understand the error Pega gave to me, that caused the resolution of the bug to be much harder.
I did an Obj-Open-By-Handle on an object. I modified the corresponding clipboard page, saved it one time.
At this stage, I understand that there is the creation of a defferend instance that will be commited at the next move in a flow for example.
Then I modified the clipboard page another time and forgot to save it.
So at the next commit, I should have a pyCommitError like : "A commit cannot be performed because a deferred save of instance ..." : am I wrong ?
Instead Pega does an insert (instead of a merge) in the database causing the following error : "** ORA-00001: unique constraint (ORACLE.XXXXX violated".
I don't understand this behaviour. Why the insert ? Why not the other pyCommitError ?
Thanks for your help,