
JP Morgan Chase & Co
Last activity: 13 Jan 2019 22:00 EST
Date time formats
We have a datetime property, but we want the ability to copy paste the datetime in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format example: 2018-02-15 15:36:22
As of now when we copy paste it gives error as “2018-02-15 15:36:22 is not a valid date/time value”
i.e. client side error itself it fails.
Also when we do the same thing in an activity with property -set, then also we get server side error as InvalidDateTimeValue 2018-02-15 15:36:22 in tracer.
So basically “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS” format is not accepted in client side nor in server side.
What we need to achieve this?
Note: we are using pega 7.2.1
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags***
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JP Morgan Chase & Co
any update on this plz?

Bits In Glass India Pvt Ltd
Hi Vikas,
Have you ever tried the same in UI Gallery?
I have tried with this format yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss. Can you please try with this one?

JP Morgan Chase & Co
This does not help, as with this setting, we just get the date to be displayed in that format in readonly , but requirement is to copy the date in that format to the property , which still gives client side validation. Also if we do backend setting of the date time in that format , then also it gives error.

Bits In Glass India Pvt Ltd
Hi Vikas,
Can you please upload the screenshots for the same so that I can identify what's actually going on?

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Vikas,
It would be helpful if you included screenshots of the date time control configurations. Be sure to add screenshots of all the tabs of the control.

JP Morgan Chase & Co
There is no customization done at my end, you just copy paste the date as "2018-02-15 15:36:22" and it gives error with the OOB pxdatetime contraol used...

Aaseya IT Services Pvt.Ltd
Hi Vikas,
You can use this function “@FormatDateTime()” with argument types inside the parenthesis, this function will return the exact time value from Date time. Use this in Property-Set in an Activity which you have specified above.
Let me know if this works or not, will try to make you clear understanding.

HSBC Finance Corporation
Hi All, I think my issue is similar to this.
Am getting the datetime value in "08/28/2018 08:42:26" format from the DB and it needs to be written to Stream Datset. Stream DS was able to save this value in the above format in 7.2.1, but since the platform is upgraded to 7.3.1 this datetime format is throwing error. I have raised this to Pega Support and they have come back saying an additional validation is introduced in 7.3 and later versions, hence the expected datetime format to save in DS is "20190108T080157.989 GMT".
Am now trying to convert "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss" to expected GMT format. Have tried using addToDate function, it gives correct result if I pass the datatime value in "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm" format. But when I try providing datetime value in "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss" it throws the attached error (Error.PNG).
Can anyone please help.