
Last activity: 1 Jun 2021 9:55 EDT
Date format conversion issue
I am calculating Date difference in seconds in Report Defination by using function and trying to convert in Date HH:MM:SS format in excel sheet. But while exporting there is some issue. Can any body help in this case?
e.g. Date difference in seconds is 6.74 and it get displayed in excel post export as "1/6/1900 5:48 pm"
below HTML code written to calculate difference and convert to expected format.
double elapsedpastdeadline;
String SLADeadline = tools.getActive().getStringValue();
String toDateTime = "";
String display="";
String StatusWork = tools.getActive().getParentPage().getProperty("pyStatusWork").getStringValue();
toDateTime = tools.getActive().getParentPage().getProperty("pyResolvedTimestamp").getStringValue();
toDateTime = pega_rules_datetime.CurrentDateTime();
if(SLADeadline!=""){ elapsedpastdeadline = pega_rules_datetime.DateTimeDifference(SLADeadline,toDateTime,"s");
if(elapsedpastdeadline>0){ /* convert time into HH:MM:SS format */
double duration=elapsedpastdeadline/3600.0;
I am calculating Date difference in seconds in Report Defination by using function and trying to convert in Date HH:MM:SS format in excel sheet. But while exporting there is some issue. Can any body help in this case?
e.g. Date difference in seconds is 6.74 and it get displayed in excel post export as "1/6/1900 5:48 pm"
below HTML code written to calculate difference and convert to expected format.
double elapsedpastdeadline;
String SLADeadline = tools.getActive().getStringValue();
String toDateTime = "";
String display="";
String StatusWork = tools.getActive().getParentPage().getProperty("pyStatusWork").getStringValue();
toDateTime = tools.getActive().getParentPage().getProperty("pyResolvedTimestamp").getStringValue();
toDateTime = pega_rules_datetime.CurrentDateTime();
if(SLADeadline!=""){ elapsedpastdeadline = pega_rules_datetime.DateTimeDifference(SLADeadline,toDateTime,"s");
if(elapsedpastdeadline>0){ /* convert time into HH:MM:SS format */
double duration=elapsedpastdeadline/3600.0;
int hours=(int)duration % 3600;
duration= duration*60 ;
int min=(int) duration;
int sec = (int) ((duration-min)*60) ;
display=PRNumberFormat.format(null,"00",false, null, hours )+":"+PRNumberFormat.format(null,"00",false, null, min )+":"+PRNumberFormat.format(null,"00",false, null, sec );
String excelFormat = tools.getParamValue("exportToExcel");
if(excelFormat=="Yes" ) {
/* format as text using excel concatenate function, usgaes =CONCATENATE("text1","text2") */
display= "= CONCATENATE(" + "\" "+ display+ "\"" +",\"\" )" ;
} //end if excel formatting
} %>
<%= display %>