Data Type is being converted to text when exporting to Excel using MSOGenerateExcelFile activity
We have requirement where user will enter data in some fields in the UI and then we need to generate a multi sheet excel file where the first sheet will be populated with values entered by the user and rest of the sheets configured with formula and charts that depend on the values of the first sheet. To implement this I have created an excel template and generating the excel using the "MSOGenerateExcelFile" activity using that template. But, the problem is all the values are being converted to text format and due to that the formulas are not working like SUM(). In the post it has been suggested to use "pxConvertResultsToCSV" activity which will create a csv file but in our scenario we need to have other sheets with charts, calculations etc and that's why going with the template with all the charts and the formula configured. Is there any way to generate excel using template but the type of the cells will remain as it is configured in the template? Or please suggest to achieve the above mentioned requirement.
Any suggestion would be appreciated.
***Edited by Moderator: Lochan to update platform capability tags***