
Kona Kai Corp
Last activity: 2 Jun 2021 7:56 EDT
Customer Service Verification step not showing Dialog for Agents.
Good morning,
We are trying to show a Dialog to our Agents during the Customer Verification step apart of the Customer Service for Insurance v8.2.1 Application.
We have found that the Dialog is not enabled because of values within the D_Interaction_Driver datapage being blank for the interaction.
We found that setting .CustomerVerified to "False" allows the "CPMPrepareInteractionTaskList" activity which populates D_Interaction_Driver data page to proceed past the first step. We are doing this by adding a Data Transform to the "AppVerifyContact" flow within the connector before the "Verification" assignment step.
Our concern is that this may cause issues downstream or make upgrades to v8.3 + challenging.
Any insight would be much appreciated.
Thank you,