Customer Service - Differences between 8 and 8.8 application versions
I took the time to check differences between Customer Service application versions 8 and 8.8:
- They have the same “PegaCRMBase”
- At the Customer service layer(s):
- 2 RuleSets are in 8 but not in 8.8
- CPM-PegaNPS, which seems relative to Satisfaction Survey
- PegaCRM-Social, old version of Social management ?
- 6 RuleSets are in 8.8 but not in 8, 4 of it don’t contain code
- PegaFW-Social, new version of Social management ? (and new version of NPS ?)
- PegaCS-UXComponent
- 2 RuleSets are in 8 but not in 8.8
Could you please tell/confirm/clarify the object of all 4 rulesets and relation between them if there is (old/new) ?
And doing so, what are the REAL differences between the application versions ?
Thank you in advance.
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add Capability tags***