
Last activity: 27 Jan 2017 6:02 EST
Custom System-Queue- Class does not write to database.
Good day everyone. I am trying to queue using my custom System-Queue- class and its custom database using this java code:
try {
// Get a queue manager instance
String itemid = tools.getThread().getQueueManager().enqueueDeferred(myStepPage);
tools.getPrimaryPage().putString("pxRefQueueKey", itemid);
} catch (DatabaseException de) {
throw new PRRuntimeException(de);
I have set the pyAgentName and pyItemStatus but this method does not write to the custom database. The custom database have the same columns as PR_SYS_QUEUES. Is there any properties that needed to be set for this method to successfully queue and write to the database?
Thanks and Regards.