
Last activity: 30 Jun 2021 7:09 EDT
Custom activity on mashup without pzAuth=guest option
Our app is mainly used through a mashup and it's installe on a 7.4 Platfom. As part of a migration to chrome 88 , we were impacted by the bug described here : To fix this problem, we completed the procedure described there : but it doesn't fix the problem.
To work around the issue declared on INC-172295 ticket , we create an fixed version of the PegaCompositeGadgetMgr js to support Chrome 88 within an iFrame. To implement this fix, we override the pzIncludeMashupScripts with an identical custom activity ( CAIncludeMashupScript ) . This clone calls and PackagePegaWebJS based activity called CA2PackagePegaWebJS. The CA2PackagePegaWebJS calls the fixed js script CAPegaCompositeGadgetMgr in place of the PegaCompositeGadgetMgr script. Our fix is tagged H1-1990 on the js script attached to this mail. In our parent html rule, we replace the call to the standard activity pzIncludeMashupScripts by CAIncludeMashupScripts&pzAuth=guest :
Our app is mainly used through a mashup and it's installe on a 7.4 Platfom. As part of a migration to chrome 88 , we were impacted by the bug described here : To fix this problem, we completed the procedure described there : but it doesn't fix the problem.
To work around the issue declared on INC-172295 ticket , we create an fixed version of the PegaCompositeGadgetMgr js to support Chrome 88 within an iFrame. To implement this fix, we override the pzIncludeMashupScripts with an identical custom activity ( CAIncludeMashupScript ) . This clone calls and PackagePegaWebJS based activity called CA2PackagePegaWebJS. The CA2PackagePegaWebJS calls the fixed js script CAPegaCompositeGadgetMgr in place of the PegaCompositeGadgetMgr script. Our fix is tagged H1-1990 on the js script attached to this mail. In our parent html rule, we replace the call to the standard activity pzIncludeMashupScripts by CAIncludeMashupScripts&pzAuth=guest :
<input type='hidden' name='ihmLaunchParams'> <script src ='/prweb?pyActivity=CAIncludeMashupScripts&pzAuth=guest'></script> <script> pega.web.config.encrypt=false; pega.web.config.cmd.pegaAction={"httpMethod":"POST"}; </script>
With this fix , we can use our application within an iframe with Chrome 88 but exceptions , with no visible consequences, appear in the application logs when an user connects or disconnect with the iframe.
1 -On iframe Connection : Process executed : CAIncludeMashupScripts ( see code below ) Results : 2 exceptions appear on logs ( an authentication failure and a section 'ActivityStatusSuccess' execution error ) Log Details : See Exceptions_On_connection.txt
2 -On iframe disconnection : Exceptions : 6 exceptions appear ( an authentication failure, and a section 'ActivityStatusSuccess' execution error, 4 section 'HarnessFail' execution error on page 'pyDisplayHarness' and an activity processing error ) Process executed : Standard Pega action log off ( @baseclass LogOff ) Results : 6 exceptions appear on logs ( an authentication failure, and a section 'ActivityStatusSuccess' execution error, 4 section 'HarnessFail' execution error on page 'pyDisplayHarness' and an activity processing error ) Log Details : See Exceptions_On_Disconnection.txt
What is the impact of those errors and how to resolved them ? Theese messages seem caused by the pzAuth=guest option used during the call to the activiy into the iframe but this option seems mandatory . Without this option, the mashup does'nt work at all.
How can we launch a custom activity into a mashup without the option pzAuth=guest on Pega 7.4 ?