
Exavalu Inc
Last activity: 9 Feb 2023 0:54 EST
CSA Certificate Issue
I have cleared my Pega CSA Exam in V7 on 24/01/2023.
But still I haven’t Received the Certificate yet.
***Edited by Moderator Marije to change Type from Discussion to Question***
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 9 Feb 2023 0:54 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
@DEEPD648 Hi Deep, I have good news! :)
The CSA certificate displays on your Pega profile now. Again, we apologize for the inconvenience and the delay.
Congratulations on the cert!
Updated: 6 Feb 2023 5:45 EST

Tata Consultancy Services
Hi @DEEPD648
If you are used the Pearson VUE and Pega PDN account same email, Your PCSA Certification reflect in your account with in 5 Days only, worst case it will take two weeks.
Pearson VUE account
Pega Account
Please check your Profile by clicking on the below URL
In case if you not receive the your certification Please reach out to [email protected] for assistance and [email protected]
I hope this will help you.
Updated: 6 Feb 2023 5:45 EST

Exavalu Inc
@Bhumireddy Still they have not provided the certificate.
Updated: 6 Feb 2023 5:45 EST

Tata Consultancy Services
@DEEPD648 Did you used the Same Email ID in both accounts right?
When Did you updated ?
Hi Moderator Team,
Please look into this issue,

Exavalu Inc
@Bhumireddy Same emailID
Updated: 6 Feb 2023 5:51 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
@DEEPD648 as @Bhumireddy has described, can you please verify the email you used for the accounts linked to Pearson Vue?
Did you go through all the Pega Academy FAQ pages, including the flow chart?
You can use this form to verify the Pega certifications for yourself or for potential team members as you assemble project teams. (Search by Email address)
Searching by email address is recommended, as an email address is always unique to an individual. If the certification results displayed are incorrect, or a certification is not found, see our Certification FAQs for help verifying a certification.

Exavalu Inc
@MarijeSchillern I am using the same Email ID for Both Pega and Pearson Vue

Exavalu Inc
IN Hello
I have Given the Pega CSA exam and I passed the exam. I have given the exam on 24/01/2023.
But still I haven't received the Certificate yet. And i have used the Same Email ID in (Pega , Pearson Vue).

Pegasystems Inc.
@DEEPD648 many thanks for confirming. I am aware that there is currently an issue with the 23rd of January results not being available so there's a possibility that your results were in that scenario.
Our Academy team are working on this issue and will keep us posted.

Exavalu Inc
@MarijeSchillernWhat happened on 23rd January

Pegasystems Inc.
@DEEPD648 I don't understand your question... The 23rd Jan was the day before you 'cleared' your exam, so I just thought I would mention it whilst we check internally with our IT team.
Accepted Solution
Updated: 9 Feb 2023 0:54 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
@DEEPD648 Hi Deep, I have good news! :)
The CSA certificate displays on your Pega profile now. Again, we apologize for the inconvenience and the delay.
Congratulations on the cert!