CPLSA Design App Buildの受験期限について
2023/9/21に以下の試験に合格しました。 ・Lead System Architect (LSA) Pega Architecture Exam 86V2_Japanese
これから以下の試験を受験する予定ですが、受験可能な期間の制限はありますか? ・CPLSA Application Design and Build
例えば2024/3にDesign and Buildを受験することは可能でしょうか? ※試験申し込みの画面で以下のメッセージが表示されたため、Pega Architecture Examの合格が失効しないか懸念しています。 「The Selected exam is available between 2023/4/6 and 2023/12/31 US Eastern time only.」
English Translation
I passed the following exam on September 2023, 9. ・Lead System Architect (LSA) Pega Architecture Exam 21V86_Japanese
I am planning to take the following exams, is there a limit to how long I can take them? ・CPLSA Application Design and Build
For example, will it be possible to take the Design and Build exam on March 2024? * I received the following message on the exam application screen, so I am worried that my Pega Architecture Exam pass will expire. 「The Selected exam is available between 3/2023/4 and 6/2023/12 US Eastern time only.」
Best regards.