Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota
Last activity: 11 Nov 2019 2:14 EST
Copy Data from Data Page/Reports
I have a Single Page property(Group) that is copying data from a Data Page(D_GetGroupInfo).
Config: Page/Read-Only/Requester/Reload once per interaction/Limit to a single data page
I have a report def running on my work class. So, when I run the report, it should query my worktable.. but instead, it calls the Data Page and retrieves the data.
How do I make it to query the worktable?
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Pegasystems Inc.
So if you run your report definition with tracer on and DB Query and DB Cache events enabled, you don't see a SQL query event to retrieve the results from the database?
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota
I see a SQL query. I also see the datapage being called.
Swedbank AB
Does your report also contains Group property ?
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota
Yes... It has Group.GroupID
Group.GroupID is mapped to GroupID column in Class External Mappings.
Swedbank AB
As property referenced from data page so when ever you use that property it will invoke datapage.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota
I still haven't figured a way to get around this. Any help is appreciated.
Pegasystems Inc.
As suggested by PraneethPurighalla, please go ahead with creating an SR for the issue. Do let us know the SR# here so that we can connect the SR to this post for reference.
Pegasystems Inc.
How is the data page being loaded?
Is the issue here that the value you are getting for Group.GroupID is different from the value in the worktable, or just that you don't want the data page to be invoked when you run the report?
Pegasystems Inc.
I think this is a defect and you need to raise an SR. I'm able to replicate this issue and I see an obvious ramification of this. In my case, I created an autopopulated property with "copy from data page" option. The data page has internal data table as data source. I used OOTB D_pyProduct as the data page. When the case is created, based on the entered GUID, the corresponding product details are "copied" over into the case and persisted. When the product details are exposed and used in a report definition, and you run the report, the data page is reloaded. So if data in the data table was modified after it was "copied" over to the case, the RD output now shows the latest data and not the data as it was saved with the case. In other words, the behavior is the same as what you expect when you use "refer to a data page" and not "copy from data page". If you open the case from the RD output, the clipboard shows the correct, expected data. So the issue IMO is that the data page on the autopopulated property shouldn't get triggered while running the RD.