Convert any ClipBoard Class Page into pxResults Type
I have a requirement to display Charts and Graphs. I have looked at the PEGA OOTB UI section 'pxUIGalleryHorizontalStackedBarChart' and this is using the DataPage 'D_pzChart_PreviewSkinData' which in turn is loaded by an Activity 'pzChart_SkinPreviewData'.
The activity is a one line activity which is the following Java Code".pxResults"));
This implies that as long as the underlying data-structure or the clipboard structure is of pxResults type, the UI Graphs and Charts should be visible.
My questions are as follows.
I have a requirement to display Charts and Graphs. I have looked at the PEGA OOTB UI section 'pxUIGalleryHorizontalStackedBarChart' and this is using the DataPage 'D_pzChart_PreviewSkinData' which in turn is loaded by an Activity 'pzChart_SkinPreviewData'.
The activity is a one line activity which is the following Java Code".pxResults"));
This implies that as long as the underlying data-structure or the clipboard structure is of pxResults type, the UI Graphs and Charts should be visible.
My questions are as follows.
1. PEGA Graphs and Charts will display IF and ONLY IF the data to be displayed is of type pxResults.
2. Does the load activity for the Datapage HAVE be in Code-Pega-List class?
3. Is there any generic way to convert any class/pagelist into a pxResults class?
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****