
Last activity: 7 Sep 2022 2:29 EDT
contradiction found in Localization topic
in below page for Localization topic
it says below:
Language pack installation
Pega Platform provides language packs to localize the Pega rules (except the content on your UI forms). Language packs are collections of language-specific rulesets that support the localization of Pega Platform. If language packs are available for your target languages, install the language packs before you run the Localization wizard.
However, in the question at end this mission,
/// How can your application be localized if a language pack is not available for that region? ///
Referring to attached picture, Pega says correct answer is:
/// Export all the required fields using the Localization wizard, have them translated, and import your custom translation pack ///
so here's contradiction: the question is asking how can we do "if a language pack is not available", and the said correct answer is to "Export ... using the Localization wizard", but at my first quote, Pega request to "install the language packs before you run the Localization wizard."
Could you help to clarify? Thanks.