Connection from PegaCloud to Mule Cloudhub
My project will connect PegaCloud to AnypointPlatform (CloudHub 2.0). Since both AnypointPlatform and PegaCloud are SaaS on AWS infrastructure, I am considering connecting them using AWS backbone connection.
The connection method on the PegaCloud is below. AWS Direct Connect public virtual interface AWS PrivateLink AWS PrivateLink as an access method other than via Interenet.
On the other hand, when using Clouhub 2.0, only AnypointVPN (InternetVPN) or Transit Gateway Attachment can be selected.
Since direct communication within AWS does not seem to be feasible due to the difference in allowed connection methods between Cloudhub2.0 and PegaCLoud, we are considering a reverse proxy configuration between Pega-Mule, as shown in the example on the page. resources.html
Is there any other way to communicate without a proxy?