Connect SAPJCo configuration and support
Client is moving from an on-premise Java Application to an AWS Pega 7.4 environment.
Java Application connects to SAP using SAPJco3 jar and a dll.Client wants to leverage the old connection information and connect to SAP using Jco3 (not as a webservice).
This link states that SAP JCo can be used for on-premise SAP to on premise Java Application connection.
If this is the case,can I connect Pega on AWS cloud to the existing SAP system.
Also,Pega's guide for JCo connector,mentions the following:
Create one or more Java classes containing one or more PRPC methods corresponding to the SAP
BAPIs used for your operation.
Use the Connector and Metadata Accelerator to choose the PRPC methods to include in the connector.
Does this refer to creating Connect-Java? Where and how should I create Java classes?