
Last activity: 31 Aug 2016 0:09 EDT
Configuring a Load Balancer for all Pega applications
Hi All,
We have few applications running on 2 nodes - Node1 & Node2. And users are educated to use Node1 for few applications and Node2 for few applications. We have decided have a load balancer and making all the applications to run on both the nodes. For this we have the below 2 phases -
1. To configure the load balancer
2. To make the application HA
As the 2nd step would take a bit more time as our applications are migrated from 6.x to 7.x it still contains the all the depricated controls/ warnings. To implement the Session Affinity and crash recovery etc. we have decided to take it in a 2nd phase as it involves some development effort.
I just want to confirm one thing.. in the 1st phase to have Load Balancer in place what all configurations/settings we need to make the applications Load Balancer ready.