Conditionally copy Pages into a PageList
There are two pagelists say GrandFatherPage.pxResults and FatherPage.pxResults. The property ID in Grandfateher pagelist can have the common value with the property FID in Father Pagelist. There are multiple pages in Father Pagelist that have common value for the ID of a Page in GrandFather Pagelist.
I would like to copy all the properties from a page of Father Pagelist based on the following conditions.
The GrandFatherPage().ID equals the Father().FID
If the Father().Status has value equals to “Fail”, copy from the first occurring page.
If the Father().Status does not have “Fail” in any of the pages, copy from the last occurring page.
If above conditions (1 AND 2) OR (1 AND 3) are not true, no page should be copied.
What configurations in data transform resolve it? Thank you in advance. I have attached sample screenshot from clipboard.