Conditionally apply numbering within a paragraph rule
Hi - I'm trying to conditionally display a line in an ordered list within a paragraph rule. I have a decision table with an @if statement that is either returning a text string or "" based on a condition. I then am using this in my paragraph rule. The issue is if I include the tag (e.g. <li>) in the decision table, it will display as "<li>text" instead of a number in an ordered list (e.g. . "2. text"). If I move the tag to the paragraph rule, then the number always appears even if my conditional statement returns "". Conditional statement on decision table: @if(@Utilities.CallWhenOnPage(tools,MYWHENRULE,pyWorkPage.Customer),"Discuss any needs due to recent request","")
1. line1 content
2. (appears as blank with the number, I want this line to display my text or not appear at all based on my condition)
3. line 3 content (should appear as line 2 if line 2 was blank)
4. line 4 content (should appear as line 3 if line 3 was blank)
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