
Capgemini Technology Services
Last activity: 6 Aug 2018 5:43 EDT
Comparing 2 embedded pagelist properties
Hi All, I have a requirement to compare 2 embedded pagelist properties. The structure of first page list is abc.def.ghi. We have a property called "name" in the page property ghi. The second pagelist is also having a similar structure say We have a property called "name" in page property xyz. I need to compare both the "name" property between the above 2 page lists. Here I have to iterate through abc, def and ghi pages for the first page list. Similarly I need to iterate through pyWorkPage.pqr and then xyz in the first page list to compare the property "name" between the two top level pagelist. Can any one suggest how to achieve looping between the first and second pagelist? Could you please respond with the screenshot for my reference if possible? Thanks
***Moderator Edit-Vidyaranjan: Updated Platform Capability***