
Last activity: 30 Apr 2019 11:49 EDT
Change Admin password from command line
I'm using ansible to automate Pega platform installation, but there is one step missing: i need to change Admin password from command line. Is there a way to do it?
I saw on another thread this information:
"If you do not have that option then only way would be take a R-A-P of [email protected] Operator ID record from another instance and import it using command line utility. This will override the existing operator record and you should be able to log into the system."
How can i do this? Can anyone help me?
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Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Mario,
Not that I'm aware of, that would be a security hole we wouldn't want to happen. By the way it is always expected that someone log in post-upgrade or install to verify it works before making changes like that.
The above suggestion which you stated to import the RAP from other instance is suggested when you forgot the password of your Administrator password in the current environment and you would like to reset its password then exporting the RAP with this Operator record from other environment and importing it into your current environment will override the password of the operator from other environment. The RAP import can be performed from the command line utilities like prpcUtils/prpcServiceUtils, but still i am not sure why you would change the password of [email protected] during Platform installation process.
Mahesh M

Thanks for your reply. In fact i dont need to change the Admin password during install, i just need to change it after installation (exactly like a reset password - i want to create a default one).
Can you help me with the syntax of prpcUtils ? exportRAP .. ?
Narayanarao Battala

Pegasystems Inc.
You can look into the Pega Help for both the utilities as follows,
These links might help you to perform export/import.

Thanks for your help, but i would appreciate if you can give me an example. Otherwise i dont know what i need to run the script.
I've already changed some properties like:
I run the script with command "./ exportRAP", and i get result BUILD FAILED:
[java] 2019-03-30 08:43:49,852 [f37f.cached.thread-2] [ ] [ ] [ ] ( prpc.service.ServiceManager) ERROR - Cannot initialize services of type [StreamServer] because the node is shutting down
[java] 2019-03-30 08:43:50,632 [] [ STANDARD] [ ] [ ] (external.util.NodeShutdownUtil) INFO - Cluster shutdown completed
[java] [SHUTDOWN]-----LogManager.shutdown()
[java] hasShutDowntrue
[java] Mar 30, 2019 8:43:50 AM com.pega.pegarules.internal.bootstrap.PRBootstrap
[java] SEVERE: Problem during method invocation (main)
[java] Unable to export archive
Is it missing something here?

Pegasystems Inc.
Before i had documented the export of rap with the help of prpcserviceutils utility and sharing it with you for your reference, if you want to explicitly use prpcUtils utility to perform the export then please share me your configuration files for analyzing it.

Can you please detail which configurations you want to check?

Pegasystems Inc.
Please share your file along with the generated log file for your execution from the logs folder.
Sreevani Vykuntam

In attachment you can find both files.

Pegasystems Inc.
Thanks for sharing the requested information, after looking into the prpcUtils properties you are using,
export.archive.productkey=DATA-ADMIN-OPERATOR-ID [email protected]
You are not supposed to use the Data-Admin-Operator-ID record in export.archive.productkey field as explained in the Pega documentation over here you need to provide the Rule-Admin-Product pzInsKey.
For example,
export.archive.productkey=RULE-ADMIN-PRODUCT TESTPRODUCT 01.01 #20170130T150838.949 GMT

Sorry for the delay, i was on holidays.
Where can i find the Rule-Admin-Product to check it's key?

Pegasystems Inc.
If you want to import the operator using prpcUtils please follow the below instructions:
- Go to Records > SysAdmin > Right click on Product & Create a new Product rule,
- Provide "Data-Admin-Operator-ID" in "Select a class and press Query" field in "Individual instances to include" section,
- Click on Query > choose your operator from the list and click on Submit,
- Save the Product rule & create a RAP file using "Create Product file" button at the bottom of the product rule,
- Now you can download and use the RAP(Rule-Admin-Product) for import into the other environment.
- For import process using prpcUtils helped other customer in the below discussion which you can refer for cross checking the settings related to import process.
Hope this might help you to achieve your requirement.

Can you please clarify if this will only import the Admin password? Or it will import other settings?

Pegasystems Inc.
The content which you include in the Rule-Admin-Product rule will be imported into the target system, in the above explanation we are adding only Data-Admin-Operator-ID record of the [email protected] record. So in the target system it will override this record information, hence you can access this operator with the password you have in the source system. Hope it is clear to you.

Tried to follow your steps but it is not possible. Have you gave me the steps for Pega 8.1 ?
If i go to Records > SysAdmin > Product , and right click, i have "Create". In the new window, i only have:
Product Version
Current work item
I dont have the option to choose any class. How can i do that? Can you check attachments?

Pegasystems Inc.
To create the Product rule you should have the unlocked ruleset version where you can create a new rule. So you should login with your application admin operator then follow the steps provided in the document to create product rule with [email protected] operator.

Thanks, i will test and give you feedback