Last activity: 7 Feb 2019 10:00 EST
Cassandra - Multi Data Center configurations
Does 7.3.1 supports multi data center configurations or is it feasible only in 7.4 and later versions.
Also, is it feasible to manually configure the changes in 7.3.1 environment to support dual/multi data centers (or) functional changes are also required that are only present in 7.4 environment or later.
We have gone through below link and it says few of the multi data center issues are fixed in 7.4 version.
Also, can you clarify on the below queries ,
- Without DC awareness, is it feasible to do node repair
- What is the Consistency level to be configured
- Is it always required to define multiple racks?
- If we have replication factor as 3 and we have multiple data centres, what is the Replication factor that we need to configure on each data centre?
- In a multi data centre if one data centre is down, will it allow us to truncate the Cassandra table
Could you please clarify at the earliest.
***Moderator Edit-Vidyaranjan: Updated SR details***