
Last activity: 12 Jul 2022 8:11 EDT
A case mismatch has been found for this property: 'test' doesn't match 'Test'
We have a property 'Test' created in BNS- class and 'test2' created in BNS-Int class in an existing application long back. Now we are trying to consume a REST service which has property in it's response JSON as 'test'. We tried to create these properties with matching case in REST BNS-Int- class but Pega is not allowing us throwing the below error,
A case mismatch has been found for this property: 'test' doesn't match 'Test'
Tried by giving 'pzExternalName' qualifier as 'test' in 'test2' property but still it's not working.
Can anyone please help me on this issue.
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Mattia Rosellini -
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 12 Jul 2022 8:11 EDT

IQZ Systems
@MANGIPUDI LAKSHMI SIRISHA Thanks for clarifying. As you mentioned you are consuming a REST service, intended purpose of pzExternalName qualifier is met here. So when you get field in REST response as "test", this qualifier will make it map to test2 in Pega connector response.
You should be using this test2 in your API consuming rules.
pzExternalName qualifier is intended to be used when you want to map a JSON field 'XYZ' to anything other than XYZ in Pega integration rules ( for e.g. due to field already used in lower level , like what you have mentioned)

IQZ Systems
@MANGIPUDI LAKSHMI SIRISHAWhat error are you getting when you created test2 property with 'pzExternalName' qualifier as 'test' & used in your REST connector assets ?

@Byshu_Ayyappaswamy we should get 'test' as property name in Response but it is coming as 'test2'.
Accepted Solution
Updated: 12 Jul 2022 8:11 EDT

IQZ Systems
@MANGIPUDI LAKSHMI SIRISHA Thanks for clarifying. As you mentioned you are consuming a REST service, intended purpose of pzExternalName qualifier is met here. So when you get field in REST response as "test", this qualifier will make it map to test2 in Pega connector response.
You should be using this test2 in your API consuming rules.
pzExternalName qualifier is intended to be used when you want to map a JSON field 'XYZ' to anything other than XYZ in Pega integration rules ( for e.g. due to field already used in lower level , like what you have mentioned)
Venkiteswaran Subramanian Mattia Rosellini

IQZ Systems
@MANGIPUDI LAKSHMI SIRISHA Also test2 will a property on your Int class. when you map this to your data layer property, you can give meaningful name in Data class & map to it ( for eg: Test in ABC-data = test2 in XYZ-Int in the response DT in your connector data page)

@Byshu_Ayyappaswamy Thanks for your response
I've tried but still 'test2' is coming in tracer.

IQZ Systems
I tried to explain that you should be using test2 in the integration layer in your use case.
Can you please share some screenshots for below scenarios?
- Are you using a Data page with connector as a source with request & response DTs ? Can you share screenshot of response DT ( to know the Int & data classes & your mapping)
- values coming in tracer for your response, Int property which has this value & data property which eventually gets mapped?

Please follow the below steps:
- Save-As the Test property which is avail in BNS- class to higher version rule-set (same rule-set and should not be in branch) and then withdarwn the property and check-in the property.
- Now try to create the property in format of test in BNS-Int class, system will allow you to create the property.
- After test property got created, delete the withdrawn Test property.
This approach will not create any negative impact inside system.

@Gunasekaran Baskaran Thanks for your response.
I've tried but still getting this error "A case mismatch has been found for this property: 'test' doesn't match 'Test' ".